5 Online Marketing Channels Every Jewellery Store Should Pursue

Anyone who owns a jewellery business has to be knowledgeable in many business matters other than the jewellery they sell. These include customer care, selling, finances such as accounting and taxation, and being able to attract new clients via marketing. The last of those, many would consider being the most important for the simple reason that if a jewellery business is unable to create a steady stream of new customers then it is a business whose days are numbered.

That might sound rather bleak, but the reality is that few businesses can survive simply on their existing clientele alone. Any business must gain new customers because, if it does not, its competitors will. Thankfully, with the onset of the internet, there are huge numbers of online marketing channels that jewellers can use to attract prospects, and in this article, we are going to highlight five of the most effective of those digital marketing channels.


For jewellery businesses to get the fastest results from online marketing there is only one option and that is Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. The results are so instantaneous that you could have an ad set up, running, and generating traffic within an hour. The key to PPC advertising success is keyword research, not just for keywords with high search volumes, but also for keywords that match what your target audience is likely to enter when searching for local jewellers.


From instant results to an online marketing strategy that does require time and patience, but when it comes to fruition the results are significant, and more importantly, are sustainable for a considerable time. SEO works when you optimise both your website and your offsite ranking factors such as backlinking to meet what Google is looking for. Vary from that, or try to take blackhat shortcuts, and your efforts will fail,  so it is key that you follow proven and legitimate SEO tactics.

Email Marketing

Responsible for generating more revenue online than most digital marketing channels, email marketing can be a huge source of income for your jewellery business, but only if it is done correctly. The wrong way is to bombard your email subscribers with constant sales messages, which does nothing more than cause them to unsubscribe. Effective email marketing means providing useful content in your emails, seeking feedback, as well as marketing messages in proportion.

Social Media

Whilst you can use PPC ads on some social media platforms, when you instigate a social media campaign it focuses more on the building of follower numbers, as well as building brand awareness for your jewellery business. One of the main ways to achieve this is posting content on your social media pages and accounts that is high quality, engaging, and thought-provoking enough to spark some response from those who read or see it, with them ideally sharing it with others.

Video Marketing

Video marketing has become extremely popular but that being said, it is still vastly underused which creates a huge opportunity for your jewellery business to leap ahead of your competitors. Your videos can be simple with no need for expensive equipment. They can also be as short as 2 or 3 minutes and provided they either enlighten, entertain, or induce positive emotions in those who watch your videos, they will augment your digital marketing by driving traffic to your website.