Whether you are a business owner or the owner of business premises, there may come a point when you consider whether it would be advantageous to have a commercial lift installed. In truth, the answer is almost certainly going to be ‘Yes’ given the many benefits that accrue from the fact that those using the building have an easier way of moving from floor to floor.
Once the decision is made, there then comes the process of determining many of the specifics relating to the lift’s installation, including the type of lift, which you would obviously need to discuss with the lift company you choose for the project. To help give you a head start in determining the type of lift, here are 10 key elements of a new commercial lift that need to be addressed and you can do so by considering the following 10 questions.
How Many People Will Be Using The Lift?
There are many reasons that knowing the number of people who will be using the lift is vitally important. This will have bearing on the type of lift, how it is constructed, and looking further ahead, the maintenance required and the longevity of the lift.
Which People Will Be Using The Lift?
Knowing which people will be using the lift helps determine many of the specifics concerning a new lift’s size and travel speed. Is it office workers only? Are potential clients visiting your company going to use it? Will it be open to the general public?
What Is The Building Used For?
Not all commercial lifts are solely for the movement of people from floor to floor. Some businesses will also need a lift for moving equipment or stock. This might mean installing two lifts if the capacity allows for this: one for passengers and the other for goods.
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